
Life at Chez V - Girl's Day!

Are You There God?  It’s Me, mrs. V

Hey there.  Remember me?  Yep, it’s mrs. V.  You have a pretty good track record of heeding my call.  Those enthusiastic teenage pleas did in fact yield my top 3 petitions.  Knockers, glasses, and braces.  Although, in the case of knockers and glasses, perhaps an unanswered prayer would have better served - I am blind without contacts and my bra size is mid-alphabet.  However, in this instance, I want to say thank you.  Thanks for answering a harried prayer for a little R & R time and for giving me a little nudge to get out of my own way.  I am giddy with anticipation of an entire day with my favorite friend Kassey sans kiddos.  Shopping, swimming, eating, gossiping.  And copious amounts of vino at the appropriate times.  Rinse and repeat.  We might even crank call ex boyfriends and double pierce our ears.  

My closet is still a mess, but I've got fresh flowers in the house and I am preparing food for an evening of revelry at Chez V.  The yoga pant uniform has been banished to the bottom of the laundry basket in favor of some bright, spirit lifting linens.  So, if you’re there God, thanks for understanding that I need a nudge here and there and an that all-out girl’s day every now and again can do wonders for the soul.

I will most likely be InstaVing along the way.  Follow along at #chezviviv if you too are in need of a vicarious girl’s day.

All  photos by mrs. V unless otherwise noted.
kisses, mrs. V


  1. This is so funny! I love it!! By the way, you may want to turn off word verification.

  2. Eek. I didn't know I had word verification enabled. Thnx for the heads up.

  3. Love seeing your face~ you haven't changed a bit. Cute shoes and pants too!


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