
Boo-bonic Situation

Happy Halloween and all that.  I haven’t fallen off the face.  You know, in case you were wondering where in the heck I’ve been.  It’s just that no one told me that ‘toddler’ and ‘preschool’ are code words for ‘contagion’ and ‘petri dish.’  Chez V has been hit with a near constant onslaught of illness since the start of school.  I was lulled into a complacent forgetfulness over the summer with a brief respite from illness but whammo blammo back right into fluey madness.  Seriously, every time I walk into that classroom to drop her off, it is a panic attack of germs.  If it isn’t barf, then it’s persistant runny noses, chesty wet coughs, rashes go long, or some crazy strepstaphmersa madness.  The most recent affliction has been some sort of viral situation that has knocked the Monster on her patoots.  There is always some kind of situation over here.  So, I am sleep deprived and on day 3 of lockdown with a total crankpants who sadly will be missing her Halloween party and trick or treating.  Boo!  What a total bummer.  And now I am a crankypants.  My nursing is beginning to lose its Florence Nightingale luster and taking a turn  towards Nurse Ratched territory. 

Clearly, I jest.  But I am one hair away from needing a rubber room myself.    Have I mentioned that along with generalized anxiety that I have a healthy pinch of germaphobe sprinkled in for taste?  I have washed my hands so much in the last few days that they are beginning to resemble rice paper.  I CAN NOT get sick.

This is my busiest time, and while I am finishing up orders from my last Open House, I am preparing for another Open House in Dayton.  Juggling the production line that is my kitchen and a sick kiddo is sporty to say the least.  For any of you who missed the Cincy show, I am having one in Dayton on November 28th.  If you are local to the Tri-State, I would love to see you!  Details below…

If you would like to attend, you can RSVP here with 'Open House' in the subject line.

On top of all that, I am due in Nashville in a few days to celebrate a milestone birthday that shall remain unnamed, albeit a month early.  Wild horses nor the bubonic plague could prevent me from going - fingers and toes crossed that the viral buboes skip over this lady.

In all seriousness, sending thoughts and prayers to those affected by Sandy.
kisses,  mrs. V


  1. fare thee well my friend. i am always in a germ panic.
    and for the last week i have felt like i have been avoiding some kind of plague myself.
    apple cider vinegar in heavy doses.

  2. ack, with your apple cider vinegar already. it will be cold day in hell, or perhaps tomorrow before I jump on the Summer's Eve mouthwash bandwagon.

  3. I just ran across your blog from a comment you left on MFAMB. Saw you were heading to Nashville for your birthday. Hope you had fun. I'm loving your blog (scrolled back through several posts; by the way, I got an eBay chandy that looks amazingly similar to one you put on an office mood board - great minds). So glad I found you. Need to add you to my blogroll so I don't miss anything. Take care!


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