
No One Ever Accused Me of Being Practical

If I was down to my last dollar or in the case of this day dream, down to my last G, I can promise you that I would spend it on shoes.  Never mind about the food and you can forget about me keeping the lights on or the heat.  Not this gal.  And don’t bother about those two front teeth, ‘cuz all I want for Christmas is a new pair of shoes…

clockwise from top left 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

Instead of Tiffany's, this poor Holly Golightly will take her breakfast at Barneys.  Nothing like a new pair of shoes to get rid of the mean reds.

All layouts by mrs. V
kisses,  mrs. V


  1. newest follower - LOVE ur "breakfast at Barney's" - my kinda' girl :o)

    PS - Everyone welcome to enter:
    ~Plush Velvet Pumpkins Giveaway ~
    it’s perfect for this time of year! (love for you to stop by and enter)

  2. You would DIE in Rio, girl, it is shoe Heaven!

  3. Erika - thanks for coming by!

    ag - oh lawd, I would go crazy. and how about that all the fab jewelery?!


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