
Now It's a G Thing

Because I’m Pimpin’ Some Goods

Drat!  Frickemfrackem rickemrackem!  Much like Ralphie, I have been screaming less then pleasant expletives because our internet decided to take a dump - ONE WEEK BEFORE MY OPEN HOUSE!  Puts a major cramp in my G style as I am trying to get everything ready AND share it all with you as a I go along.  I need my printer to produce templates for all the etched glass stuff as well as all of my paper goods.  It's a wireless printer.  No internet, no printyFor one hot second, I even considered doing the 31-day blog challenge this month, but with only a day’s notice followed by internetcrashmaggedon, that plan got dashed rather quickly.  Welcome to crazytown.

Now that I am back up and running this evening, I can finally share that I will also be featuring the monogrammed amazingness that is LA Plates at my Open House and here on my blog.  In addition to my designs and some pretty fantastic vintage jewelry, I will have LA Plates samples on hand for people to order at the Open House.  And for those who aren’t local, don’t fret.  You can order to your monogrammed heart’s content right here:

As y’all know, my love for monograms knows no bounds and LA Plates does them like no other!  So this is where I start pimpin.’  For those who have been with me for a while, you know I don’t typically pitch stuff here UNLESS I absolutely LOVE it - like in a ‘this is the cat’s pj’s/bee knees I simply must have this’ kinda way.  I jumped on the chance to be an affiliate of LA Plates for two reasons:  1.)  Lara Shelton, the owner of LA Plates, is a dear friend and my kind of broad (we go waaaay back to the Miami U/Kappa/Atlanta days); and 2.)  I want every single item on her website.  So, if I am pimpin’ it here, that means I want it, bad.  Just take a gander…

Hey, ain’t no shame in my game.  Now go getcha some!
kisses, mrs. V

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