
Mix and Match: Chinoiserie Plates

‘It’s therapeutic isn’t it?’ he said.  ‘Indeed’ I replied.  Oh how kindred spirits immediately recognize their kind.   Parting words exchanged with the owner of a little vintage/thrift store.  Yesterday I had the day to myself, such a luxury in and of itself - all the more so because aside from a hair appointment, I had no concrete plains other than to roam about looking for inspiration - which started off at the thrift store.  Digging through piles and boxes looking for treasure, free from the whining drone of a 4 yr old and fear of inquisitive fingers that can’t resist breakables, I was able to immerse myself totally in the hunt.  Therapeutic indeed.  It was the start to what would be a very great day.  But you are probably wondering what this has to do with mixing patterns.  Patience, grasshopper, I will get you there.

I spent much of the day hunting and scheming and dreaming.  With a  rather manic bent, I jammed as much as I could into one day.  I visited thrift stores, Goodwill, antique shops - both in Cincy and Dayton - the beauty parlor for a much needed foil & trim, and rounded out the day seeing a movie with my mother.  A movie, at the theater.  Imagine!  I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in 4 yrs.  Les MisI was reduced to a puddle.  Cried from start to finish.  And I began my morning listening to the soundtrack and sobbed all over again.

Anyway, enough of the sob story. For those of you who follow me on the InstaV @chezviviv, you will know that I found a lot of inspiration yesterday, most of which I had to pass right on by because of budgetary and/or space constraints, but I nabbed a few great gems like these salad plates and earmarked others for a future rainy day in hopes that said rainy day comes very quickly on the heels of a miraculous money tree discovery.  It would also seem that I need to hold some kind of sale as the mr has threatened to cut off a finger if I bring one more thing into this house and I found very many things I want to bring into this house yesterday.

It should come as no surprise that most of my finds yesterday were chinoiserie inspired.  My love for chinoiserie is a never ending story as is my love of entertaining.  Therefore, could not resist these plates.  I love to mix and match my china and knew these would make a great addition to my collection.  Love, love how they look with my green Limoges plates.

And that patterned bowl.  Can we just have a minute?  It. Is. Everything.  I mean.  Sadly, I could only find one so it will likely not end up on my table but it will look lovely in any vignette corralling a few of my shiny bits.  All in all, a great and inspiring day.  The thrill of the hunt.  A rejuvenating   pampering.  The mix and match of high and low, thrift and pedigreed antique.  The drama and catharsis of a musical. A pattern play of a day.  Therapeutic indeed.

All photos/layous by mrs. V
kisses,  mrs. V


  1. I love that you love it! Drinks, soon?

  2. love love love the pattern play!

    PS – my friend is gonna be on Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo TONIGHT come check it out on the bog :o)

  3. This sounds like my definition of a perfect day. The plates are stunning, and the bowl will look perfect on a counter maybe.

  4. bravo on Bravo Erika. Hope your friend enjoys himself!

    Thanks Linda! Some day I will figure out how to respond in line to each comment. Or rather I am sure I will learn it from you!


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