
African Market Basket

My sincere apologies for neglecting you.  A quick update is in order.  I mentioned that the kuba pattern I hand printed was for a charity event. I was super excited to find out that the African basket containing the tablecloth (the fabric was sewn into a tablecloth) went for close to $300 in the silent auction. Yay!  I did not get a chance to take a picture of the finished presentation but I received the image above the other day which gives you an idea of the finished tablecloth along with the basket.  Speaking of the African basket, I have one of these baskets myself and LOVE it.  My MIL brought it back for me from a farmer's market in North Carolina. Right now it functions to corral my magazine overflow but I intend to take it to the farmer’s market this summer.  Beautiful and functional.  Win!

soooo many stacks and baskets full of magazines hidden behind the table and chair

Happy Humpty Hump Day!

kisses,  mrs. V


  1. Doesn't that make you feel so good! You gave something beautiful of yourself and it is helping others. Way to go mrs. V!! I have alot of those full baskets as well!! xo

  2. Doesn't it make you feel so good to have given something of yourself ... and so beautiful to top it off! AND ... you helped someone else! Way to Go mrs. V!! ANd I have lots of those baskets full of mags as well!! xo


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