
My Master Demands a One Room Challenge


My master is in desperate need of some love.  Why is this always one of the last areas to get attention?!  When I moved in to the Stamp 8 yrs ago, I slapped some paint on the walls of this room and that’s about it.  Even that attempt was half assed as I walked in to Home Depot and picked a paint color from a chip with one eye.  Aside from a super comfy mattress/box spring purchase and splurges on nice quality sheets the rest of my biscuit has been just as neglected as the rest of this red-headed stepchild of a room.  Leftover accent pillows from my toile days in ATL.  Granny much?!  Headboard is from my in-laws original bedroom suite and while it’s low slung midcentury vibe is cool on it’s own, it is just not jiving with me right now.  The room is small with awkward window placements typical of ranchburgers built in the 60s, making it difficult to place the bed.  I refuse, do you hear me, REFUSE to jam my adult marriage bed into a corner!  So I am left with one wall to work in which to place the bed.  As a result this vexation of a room has been left idle – FOR FAR TOO LONG.  After years of angry side eye from my master it has declared enough is enough.  It is demanding a one room challenge, one in which there is a definitive time frame.  None of this paint here, swap there, lighting later business.  Not satisfied with being a wallflower, it wants it's turn around the dance floor.  Most of you are familiar with Linda’s ORC so I will save my breath, but just know that I am instituting a ONE ROOM CHALLENGE on myself - giving myself 6 weeks to do something about this nonsense.  I have negative money so that will be a challenge in and of itself but dang, I’m going to beg, borrow, and steal if necessary (from family members!) to zhush up this situation of a room.

DURING - instantaneous painting/pillow zhush to kick my butt into gear

I am embarrassed to report that the stealing has, in fact, already started.  I commissioned a painting from Jenny about a year ago for my daughter’s room that would be the jumping off point for the transition from nursery to big girl room.  I received it in short order and it promptly went in to storage.  I finally got around to having it framed the other day.  What is wrong with me?!!!  It lasted in her room less than 10 minutes.  I promptly hung it in my room which prompted a necessary switcharoonsky of the pillow sitch.  Out with the tired toile and the serious oil painting and in with a vibrant abstract that immediately changed the vibe of the space.  I borrowed brown mohair pillows from the couch and a little animal print from the living room.   I knew instantaneously that I was on to something good and that I would have to design a lovely moody room to showcase this beauty of a painting.  All of this will likely change 50 times in the next 6 weeks but I am already in lurve with my borrowed stolen tweak.

a little too mongrel french country for my tastes

Tuesdays are good days for me, so I will attempt to chronicle my progress via Tuesday updates over the next  6 weeks.  And for all you judgers out there, P is not getting the shaft.  I have another equally beautiful MFAMB masterpiece that will soon adorn her walls.  Because, quite frankly, one can never have too many MFAMB masterpieces!  Getcha one or three!

kisses,  mrs. V


  1. i LOVE the new painting and chocolate pillows.

  2. Don't take time to read the comments, get to work. Child labor is allowed :). Good luck!

  3. Great first heist! Looking forward to seeing you rock it over the next six weeks!! Good luck! xo

  4. It's looking good already! Way to go, I know you can do it! Let us know if you need more cheerleading!!! You deserve a retreat and fabulous MBR!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    xo Nancy


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