
Do You Suffer From ORC Envy?


It is that time of year again.  Linda has kicked off another round of the One Room Challenge.  I enthusiastically looked forward to this morning's reveal of the participants.  As always, Linda has corralled some great talent. Every week I enjoy clicking through each participant’s updates.  This go round will be no different with the exception of a small twist.  If you suffer from ORC envy like I do, fret no more.  You too can subject yourself to looming deadlines, budgetary constraints, design ADD, and informed scrutiny by participating in the ORC link up on Thursdays, starting tomorrow.  Just the kind of kick in the pants accountability this procrastinating, commitment-phobic chica needs.  No more armchair decorating for me.  I am throwing my hat into the ORC ring.  Who is brave enough to join me?

Come back tomorrow to see which room I will be tackling.  The inspiration pic above is the vibe.  Although those of you who have been with me for awhile probably can guess as I already tried to tackle it once only to be halted by a paint obstacle.  And then the wheels fell off my design train.  Did I mention that stick-to-it-tiveness runs short in my gene pool?

So go catch up on what the pros have planned and then come back here tomorrow to see how I plan to dangle from their shirttails.

kisses,  mrs. V

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, so glad you are jumping in. Thanks for the link love, and good luck!


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