
ORC - WK 2 Updates on Project Chinoisy Safari Chic

My how time flies when you’re having fun or working against a deadline.  Week 2 of the One Room Challenge link up is here already and all I have to show for it are mountains of dust and a scratched cornea. General ORC details here.  Background on my master bedroom makeover and WK 1 info here.

So, back to my WK2 updates and Project Chinoisy Safari Chic which really should be renamed Paintmaggedon.  On second thought, scratch that.  It should be called Project Sandlot as in Smalls You’re Killing Me With All This Sanding and Prep Work Shit.  As you will remember from WK 1, our bedroom walls are plaster board and covered with layers of dimply paint.  In order to get the dark, shiny walls of my dreams, we have to sand the walls to a SMOOTH and level surface, which is no small task since we are doing everything ourselves.  Armed with power sanders and tons of 40 grit sand paper, we have finished sanding 2 of the 4 walls.  Next comes a skim coat to level the surface as there are so many high and low spots.  And then more sanding.  So, yeah, the Sandlot.

In other news, I picked up another little project for the room.  My search for an affordable Imari style lamp was proving to be about as successful as the search for the Fountain of Youth.  I stumbled upon this vase at a consignment shop and was immediately smitten.  Nice curves.  Check.  Lovely design.  Check.  Affordable.  Check.  So I got a wild hair to turn this into a lamp.  Ordering parts today.  Fingers crossed I don’t electrocute myself.

Now go over and visit this week's link up page to see what everyone else is up to this week!  70+ participants!!!!  

kisses,  mrs. V


  1. Wow! That looks like tons of work! I'm sure it will look great when you're finished! Keep us updated on the lamp work!

  2. Love the vase ... and your determination on your walls is amazing. I would end up with dimples!! xo

  3. Oh my word... the walls... you go! Like Kim, I would end up with the dimples! The making of a lamp will be a piece of cake in comparison! Love the vase...
    Cathy @ Room Rx

  4. I have nightmare's about that wall project. Same thing happened in my DR but my husband had a fit said live with it so I have dimply melted chocolate walls.

    That lamp is going to be the bomb!

  5. Your room will be fabulous,and I'm anxiously waiting to see the reveal.

    I recently read that the Wood Duck inspired the Chinese paint palette, and your little vase has a Wood Duck on it. It is a wonderful choice for converting into a lamp. Best of luck.

  6. Oh the sanding! Not a fun job but you will be glad you did it in the end.

  7. Oh my all that sanding!! And I can't wait to see how your vase/lamp turns out. btw your posts crack me up!

  8. I'm so impressed! I REALLY need to sand and skim coat my bathroom, but I've been procrastinating for (literally) years, I dread it so much. You're brave to take that project on! I love the direction you're going!

  9. That lamp is gonna be amazing. As are the walls. I feel your pain sister. Hang in there, it will be worth it!

  10. Hang in there. Those walls are really hard to do and you should be feeling half way great about it. Have a glass of wine, and sand away. That is going to be one amazing lamp.

  11. You have far more patience and determination that I could ever muster to tackle this project. I admire your resolve and adore the inspiration piece for your room. Chinoisy-Safari has me wanting to see more!! Good luck!!

  12. All of that sanding will pay off!!!

    Cannot wait to see how this room turns out!!! Especially that lamp DIY.

  13. I'm smitten too! Good luck with all the sanding, I'm a lazy DIY-er so if it doesn't involve spray paint or glue gun, count me out. I admire people who really get into the nitty-gritty of things! Good luck dear!

  14. The Lamp project will make up for all of it! Great score! I want to try it too so please post a tutorial:)


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