
Jewelry Vignettes

On Display, On Display, On Display

Just as sure as you can bet that Ms. Gorga lip synchs those lyrics every chance she gets, so can you bet that I will wear the same 3 pieces of jewelry on the daily unless my sparkly bits are out on display, on display, on display.  Hence, I have been setting up shiny little vignettes of jewelry on my dresser to inject some spice into my jewelry routine. Grabbed up this chinoiserie style plate from C Wonder for some of my oldie but goodies that were hidden away in an old jewelry bag.  It’s like Christmas in August.

This magpie is off to sparkletown.

All photos and layouts by mrs. V unless otherwise noted
kisses, mrs. V


  1. Love that C Wonder plate, good idea to display them. Plus, love the title - I wish the Housewives would stop trying to sing!

  2. I agree I agree I agree! I have a similar need to see my schtuff or I'll forget about it...so I made a tiered "bracelet solution with some plates and wine glasses...and now, much like the 80's...I'm full of bangels.


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