
Tapestry, Tapestry on the Wall...

You Are the Fairest of Them All
During the week I try to keep up with the frenetic blogging pace of a long list of daily reads.  Mostly that involves stealing moments here and there on my phone to peak in on everyone.  But in the wee early hours of Sunday mornings, before the day gets into full swing, I tuck in for a purposeful visit into the world of Texas design via Joni Webb over at Cote de Texas.  I appreciate that she always has in depth, detailed articles covering a wide range of designers over periods of time so that I can enjoy the evolution of a designer’s point of view.  But what I adore most about Joni is her honesty and passion.  I love love love the self-deprecating humor that she employs when she is telling her own design story and the myriad influences over the years.  And I love that she admits to stalking houses and designers.  Like minded indeed! Underneath that beautifully curated tonal Houston look, I detect a kindred ‘more is more’ spirit who probably has to force herself to constantly edit.

Joni's house - of note: tone on tone, seagrass, slips, and blue & white
makes me want to redo my whole LR!

Yesterday morning was no exception and I was delighted to see the sneak peak of Jane Moore’s townhouse that Veranda shared with Joni from the OCT 2012 issue.  Equally as exciting for me, was connecting the design degrees of separation between Houston designer Jane Moore, Lisa Newsome, former Veranda editor, and their married-to-each-other kiddos who started Wisteria, one of my longtime favorite retailers thanks to an early introduction by Heather Chadduck via Cottage Living – who is one of my design influences.  Hey Lindsey Bierman, so glad that Heather is back in your fold over at SL, now please feature more of her work!

Photo:  Peter Vitali for Veranda

But let's get back to the sneak peak, shall we?  First off, the kitchen.  How dare?!  So so good.  But what really caught me eye was the tapestry Jane Moore has hanging in her dining room.  It is so spectacular.  It works so surprisingly well balanced against the European industrial touches – it brings in a punch of warmth and color.  And thanks to Joni’s thoroughness, she includes Jane’s previous house from a 2000 Veranda feature that also showcases the tapestry in a much different, but equally stunning setting.

I have the good fortune to have a tapestry that belonged to my grandmother and it has followed me in 5 different residences.  I have often wondered if it was too stodgy.  It currently resides in my living room and I have considered swapping it out for a space-expanding mirror or something more modern like a huge abstract but I am a sentimental hoarder and could never bring myself to take it down.  In a bit of a compromise, I layered a small sunburst mirror over the tapestry  a few years ago and I still sort of love the layers.  Then I saw this Jane Moore feature with her stunning tapestry taking pride of place in her dining room and my old faith in Grandma Nickell's tapestry has been restored, again.

For the complete sneak peak and a wonderful glimpse of the Newsom's home go on over and pay Joni a proper visit yourself.

Do you have any sentimental pieces like Grandma Nick's tapestry?

All photos and layouts by mrs. V unless otherwise noted
kisses, mrs. V

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