
Getting to Know Me

Kindness and Gratitude and an Introduction

A couple points of parliamentary procedure this morning.  The first being a HUGE thank you to Linda over at My Crafty Home Life.  What a crazy surprise to see an influx of folks visiting from her blog -  hello to you and thanks for coming by! I was completely gobsmacked when I discovered last week that she included Chez V on her list of new blogs that she enjoys.  That act of kindness is quite a big harry deal for this lil’ country mouse of a blog.

me, the Monster, and mr. V

So for those of you just joining the broadcast, welcome to Chez V.  Which brings me to my second point, an introduction.  Hi there.  Hello, I am mrs. V.  What is this blog all about, you might ask?  Remember this and this when I was feeling the need to categorize myself? Well, for those that have been with me from the beginning, I have great news.  I can finally answer that in 5 words or less.  ME.  I have Jenny to thank for the realizationThis blog is not about interior design or entertaining or lifestyle or fashion or pop culture.  It is about all those things because it is about me just doing my thing.  And all those things, plus many more, interest me.  What you see here is very close to what you get from me in real life.  Me doing my thing looks a lot like spastic cooking, crazy dancing, pile making, detail obsessing, belly laughing, kid wrangling, flower getting, entertaining, and furniture moving/painting/upholstering.  Throw in any number of half finished projects, cover it all with a dusting of bright and shiny and that’s the regular around here.

I do hope you will continue to tune in to the craziness.  It’s not always pretty and it’s not always perfect but I promise that it is pretty much perfectly entertaining, most of the time.  Especially when I trip over my teetering pile of shoes and rip my pants or when I singe off my eyebrows trying to pull off bananas foster or when the top layer of my Christmas cake slides off because my frosting deflated, right as I am bringing it to the table.

You can also find me on Pinterest and Instagram at @chezviviv if you desire.

In other news, I am so excited about the open house next month.  I have exciting news to share that feeds right into my monogram madness and I have just curated a collection of amazing one-of-a-kind vintage costume, sterling silver and estate jewelry for the event.  I want to keep every single piece.  I will be busy snapping pictures of all the goodness to share here.

kisses, mrs. V


  1. Hi,
    So happy to meet you!
    Stopped by last week and will continue.
    BTW ....you have a beautiful family!

  2. Hi Patty! Thanks for coming by and thanks for the compliment. It is amazing how I have almost NO pictures of me b/c I am the one behind the camera.

  3. Entertaining is an understatement. You are welcome, but once "they" find you....your numbers will skyrocket. I can't decide if your daughter looks more like you or your husband? The perfect combo, I think.

  4. Ha! Well, thank you mucho Linda! P looks more like the mr. she only looks like me b/c of the hair. but boy does she act like me in spades. her theatrics make me look like Shirley Temple to her Joan Crawford.


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