
Saying Goodbye to Summer

Sayonara Summer!

I can see the light!  Now, I love mega watt sunnage and the smell of Hawaiian Tropic co-mingling with fruity cruise drinks as much as the next Jersey shore vacationer but it is SEPTEMBER folks!  And I, for one, am happily saying buh bye to Summer.  Summer is for suckers and people without kids or people with kids that have stoooopid money who can afford all shades of summer rentals, camps, and nannies in copious amounts.  I am one of those people with kids minus the stooooopid money part.  So, back to the light.  Preschool open house happened last night and school starts again on Monday!  Can I get a Vicki G sized woooooooo frickin hooooooo?  That means stuff is about to get done around here.

It was a long summer indeed but we did have some fun along the way.  So Summer,  until we meet again…

Happy Trails to you, sucker.

All photos and layouts by mrs. V unless otherwise noted
kisses, mrs. V

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