
The Scout Report - Flea Finds

Fab Flea Finds and a Winner

Ducked into a few of my favorite little spots over the weekend and found a few notables along the way.  If only the purse strings weren’t crazy glued together!  Trust me when I tell you that that jar/vase situation was enormous and beyond awesome.  In fantasy land, I would put it on a pedestal and love it long time.

In other news, it would appear that I picked the worst weekend at the end of the most random blogging summer on record to do a giveaway.  Unofficial accounts have reported that about 2 people were reading blogs this weekend.  That’s good news for my die-hards b/c your odds were huge.  Thanks to you for sticking with me.

Congratulations to DAWNLucky number 3.

For all my FB folks who cannot for the life of them figure out how to leave comments on a blog – I will do some sort of pop up giveaway via FB soon.  And for those that inquired about purchases, you can do so at any time.  When I get technically savvy I will have a BUY This button on the blog but until then either leave me a comment about anything you see or email me here.  I am planning on a pop up sale with limited quantity items perfect for holiday gift giving and entertaining shortly at Chez V.  Stay tuned for that.

All photos and layouts by mrs. V unless otherwise noted
kisses, mrs. V

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