
Angie Hranowsky's Pink Bedroom

Geesh.  This week sort of got away from me, didn’t it?!  I know I said I was going to share some of my favorite scouting haunts with you, and I intend to, but what I got for you today is just plain pretty.  By now I am sure most of you have seen the latest issue of Lonny.  Have some thoughts on the whole new helm change but I’ll save those for another day.  Instead today I want to focus on Angie Hranowsky’s feature of her new home.  Love love her work.  Super love her new pinky-t bedroom.  No big shocker there.   Really dig how she used color and art (the art!) to put her personal stamp on a rental.  That living room is bananas good too!

I die for this vignette - especially that nudey nude

All images from Lonny

Here’s to Friday!!

kisses,  mrs. V

1 comment:

  1. I haven't had a chance to open my Lonny yet, but now I must. Love this.


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