
And the Winner Is...

Well hoo-ray!  Lindsay is our lucky little lady this morning.  Your cocktailing just got a little more chic!  Thank you to everyone who entered.  I am a gifty kind of gal so rest assured there will be mucho opportunity to getcha some Chez V love.  As I said on Friday, I enjoy making stuff and sharing it with my friends, and you, my dears, are quickly becoming just that!

Today is a scouting day which means I will be out and about looking for goodies and inspiration.   One question I get asked most often is where I do I find stuff.  The short answer is everywhere.  But specifically, I have some regular haunts that I scout frequently.  Tomorrow I will talk more about where I scout and the key to finding the good stuff.

Have a great Tuesday - most productive day of the week!

kisses,  mrs. V



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