
Master Makeover Update

Ok.  Ok.  I am two weeks late and more than a dollar short on my self-induced ORC updates.  A long overdue trip to ATL followed by the Groundhog’s Day that is summer vacation got  in the way of my blog mojoBlah, blah, blah.  So where was I?  Ah, yes, the master.  While I don’t have any progress pictures to share just yet, I have made progress.  Things accomplished:  an inspiration plan,  paint color has been chosen after a few duds thanks to the wonderful direction from this lady, and some pieces sourced.  Sheesh!  So much for doing this on less than a dime.  This is the loose plan.  I am going for a rich, cocooning vibe.  As I mentioned, the room is smallish with weird window placements and no architectural interest to speak of, so I want to turn it into a cozy den-like refuge.  A place where a roguish British ex-pat liaises with his worldly chanteuse.  I always have a story.

Thumbs down to the rain but thumbs up to the 4thYayMerica.
kisses,  mrs. V


  1. I love this so much I cannot handle it.

  2. That wall color. I die. No joke. Die. Sooo good.

  3. I absolutely love this! Fantastic feeling, textures, art, colors...wow.
    xo Nancy


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