
Simple Pleasures

I sometimes forget how much happiness simple pleasures bring into my life.  The other day, I found myself scrambling at noon when I realized I did not have much of anything to put together for lunch.  My 5 yr old is not particularly picky but I knew an expired yogurt tube, dried out carrot sticks, and a ball of mozzarella wasn’t going to cut it.  Then I realized, with much glee, that lunch was waiting for us in the backyard.  We dashed out to the veggie garden and picked a crispy green pepper, an heirloom tomato, and snipped some basil.  Paired with simple ingredients, including that ball of mozz, we enjoyed a veritable feast, all the more fulfilling because we had a hand in bringing it to our table.  What a great and simple pleasure.


And how about pairing deeply discounted grocery orchids with a gorgeous blue and white bowl that my mother gifted to me knowing of my deep and abiding love of Chinoiserie?  How gorgeoso is this bowl?!    She purchased it from her designer in 1974 for a pretty penny.  What a great and simple pleasure to now have this treasure in my home.

For up to date peaks into life chez V and more of our simple pleasures, I blow up InstaG on the regular here. Follow me or be square.

What are your simple pleasures?

kisses,  mrs. V

1 comment:

  1. my idea of lunch! perfect and I can taste it from your gorgeous pictures. Love the blue and white and the orchid. Simple is best.
    xo Nancy


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