
Where the Heck Have I Been?

Oh hey.  Hi.  Where was I?  Smack dab in the middle of Summer is where and then whammo – off the grid without so much as a c’est la vie or by your leave or see ya on the flip, drip... Sorry.  It has not been a complete undocumented mess over in Chez V land as I am never too far from my phoney phone and an Insta trail tends to leave clues about where I have been and what sorts of shenanigans are occupying my time.  Our Chez V code of conduct these days as evidenced by IG:  

Then I sent my little off to kindergarten.  On a bus.  In a uniform.  Feck.

Tomorrow, I return with news of a fab monogram giveaway from one of my favorite ladies and a story about how a company managed to successfully lose my business for life and longer.

kisses,  mrs. V

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