
One Room Challenge - Week 6 - The Reveal

Welcome back to week 6 of The One Room Challenge™.   Today I am going to dispense with my usual jibber jabber and get right to the reveal.  But first I want to extend some big thanks you’s:  a huge thank you and congratulations to Linda of Calling It Home for organizing this amazing challenge and including me among such widely talented folks; a million thank you's go out to my mister without whom none of this would have been possible - this ORC was another down-to-the-wire situation and there were more than a few moments when I really questioned whether I could pull this off but thanks to the tireless efforts of my mister and my in laws we accomplished a lot in six weeks for having done everything ourselves; and last, but certainly not least, thank you to YOU for following along.  All of your comments and well wishes kept this party rocking.  To see the entire evolution of the room from the beginning, click the following links below:

WEEK 1:  Plan & Inspiration
WEEK 2:  Progress Report – Floors
WEEK 3:  Electricity
WEEK 4Upholstery
WEEK 5: Paint & Wallpaper

And now on to the reveal.  Sadly, I did not get the custom table cloth (the Lebowski element) back in time from the seamstress which is sort of a major bummer as it was the jumping off point for the entire color scheme of green, pink, and blue – so if things seem a little disparate, know that the tablecloth ties everything together.  When that beaut arrives I will be sure to share.  And now on with the show…

And now I drink.  Heavily.  A detailed source post will be forthcoming. Go check out everyone else's reveals!

A special thank you to the following sponsors and supporters of Chez V and The One Room Challenge that are graciously providing items to help me bring my vision for this room to life:

All photos and styling by Emily Vanderputten

kisses,  mrs. V


Tiffany said...

Omg!! It's gorgeous and styled to perfection. I love the wallpaper and your mix of patterns and colors. Love the pink pagoda prints and the lighting is incredible. If this isn't your profession it should be.

Kerry Steele- Design du Monde said...

I love everything about this room. I hope your husband is bowing down to your genius at this point!

Julia Ryan said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!! Girl! You freaking nailed this! It's gorgeous and incredible and looks straight out of traditional homes. I am so proud of you! This room is just gorgeous and makes me want to rethink my whole plan for a simple white kitchen. I think a lot of people are going to love all this color for a nice change! xo

Kim said...

Mrs. V darling … this is splendid!! I love every colorful element and you deserve that glass of wine! I hope you are sharing with Mr. V because while he might have balked you on a few projects … the whole damn thing shines!! xo

charmaine said...

OMG! I'm in love with this room. Love that it's so colorful and cheery and styled to perfection. Cheers to you, girl. Job well done.

Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

Hooray! I love it. All the patterns work great together and your artwork selection is great. I think I'm going to need to get that pineapple for my kitchen too ;)

Sadie + Stella said...

You are FREAKING ridiculous. Seriously most talented person. EVER.

Linda Pakravan said...

What a beautiful and cheerful transformation! Love that pendant.

Unknown said...

Well it's official...you my friend are AMAZING!!!! I adore what you do so very much- like the other spaces I've seen you create, you manage to inject such an amazing dose of happiness into everything. The way you mix colour and pattern is nothing short of genius. You're bold and fearless and I LOVE that about you. This is incredible- every single inch!!!!

Beth of designPOST Interiors said...

Go drink up- you've earned it! I am seriously going to have to go back through your pictures a few more times today to catch all of the amazing details. You make me love things I thought were not my style at all! Great job!

Maureen said...

I love it! The colors and amazing. The wallpaper gorgeous. What a happy place to spend time cooking and breaking bread with family and friends!....Maureen @ redcottagechronicles

Unknown said...

i love all the different textures and patterns. you have such a way with mixing things up and making it all come together. a happy kitchen and eating space indeed! dana

Style to Move Blog said...

Great job! You really know how to mix patterns.

pam {simple details} said...

Emily!!!! I'm DYING over your kitchen, you've perfectly captured classic, sophisticated and sassy! I knew it would be a dramatic transformation, but this is beyond, and your styling and photography are a delight to take in!!

Unknown said...

This is such a smashing room! Your bold use of color, your styling, your choices are all AMAZING! I love that rug and your chair covers! Great job and a brilliant space for you all to enjoy. It needs to be in a magazine. xxo Nancy

Erin said...

I can't believe you did this entire room... I mean. You and the mister deserve a break fo sho!

It's lovely. The wallpaper is shazam!

alison giese Interiors said...

Oh God, E, I just gasped out loud. Really.
So. So. good.
Styled perfectly. I love the basket with the boards in it - might have to steal that idea ;)

HUGE congrats to you - a beautiful display of your rockin' talents!


Brenda said...

OH My. I am overwhelmed with the transformation - it is fantastic. I have to go through the photos again (and again). Well done.

http://www.preciouslyme.com/ said...

Congratulations for this very beautiful room! Love the mix of pattern and the green wall us just perfect!

Pat@Life At Lydias House said...

Absolutely beautiful use of color and texture! It is so refreshing to see some color as opposed to all neutrals!!!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

Nailed it!! The colors, the fabrics, the wallpaper and lighting, that rug! You rocked this like a hurricane my dear. So very well done!!!!! Now let's drink. A lot.

Krista @ Goodwill Glam said...

You knocked it out of the park again! Crazy good mix here. I truly love everything about it!


Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Your styling skills are always stellar. This is so beautiful and I would love to sit in this space all day long. The lighting and wallpaper along with the art and all the accessories are just perfection. I love the mix of wood, too. Wonderful job, and you are very lucky to have your own private team that works for free :).

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

I love all your fabric choices! I love all the pillows against the wallpaper. What a happy space. Congratulations it is really beautiful! And I love your tablesetting. Those napkins!!

Andrea said...

Absolute perfection!!! You are truly a master when it comes to mixing colors and design elements... this space deserves to be in a magazine!! I absolutely love that wallpaper, the colorful pillows, and the pagoda mirror. And you always set the most beautiful table! Congratulations on an amazing job!!

The Glam Pad

Eris @ The Pink House Reno said...

First of all, your pictures are incredible. They make me want to reach out and touch everything. I LOVE your style. One of my favorites is the chairs you chose by the table. This room feels so alive now! Congrats!

Tobe | BIA said...

ummmmm i literally don't have any words right now. this is stunning!! i want this kitchen. i'm not lying when i say that everything is completely perfect. methinks my brain will explode with the tablecloth in there. HUGE congrats to you and your mister! never ever leave this room. oxox

Jessie said...

Such a beautiful, happy space! I love everything in your dining room especially the wallpaper, the mirror and the lighting. Love your styling skills!!

Well done!


Beth Connolly said...

Seriously beautiful. You are my kind of girl. Love the wallpaper, the mirror, the prints from The Pink Pagoda, your styling. Fabulous!

home before dark said...

The only thing I see wrong with this space is that it's too happy, too embracing, too damn much fun. People will never leave your house. Ever!

I hope you and the Chez V family are enjoying this amazing space. And, yes, I'm still whining that my lawyer husband doesn't sew or do electrical work!

Carrie said...

This is the perfect mix of glamour and comfort. I wish it was my house. Great job!!

Songthatdoesntend said...

It gets better...wow!

My Notting Hill said...

Beyond spectacular. You absolutely nailed it!! That wallpaper sets such an amazing tone. Love it all.

Cheryl said...

You hit it out of the park. Absolutely gorgeous. I'm approaching level 4 stalker status with the amount of times I've gone back to scroll through the pictures, and every time I find a beautiful detail I overlooked the first dozen times.

MFAMB said...

it looks awesome. well done. time for a well deserved glass of alcohol.

Jen (House of Ruby Jean) said...

So much to LOVE!!! Great job!

Unknown said...

I love that you totally embraced lots of colour & the mix of patterns is perfection. Your art pieces are wonderful, I especially love the painting of the lady on the chair. Hollie @ www.thepinkzipper.blogspot.ca


You little stinker...you had me a blue jellybeans! OK...where to start. How about the whole room. The wallpaper, the styling [girl can set a table!] and well....just all of it. Aren't you so thrilled with it...I mean every time you walk in do you sorta stop and go where the F am I? Seriously stunning!

House of Pemberley said...

Girl, the V's kicked ass on this challenge. I love every single detail. Excellent job, my friend.

Unknown said...

Holy moly I just love it!!! The color palette, the chinoiserie, the natural elements, the lighting, your amazing styling and photography. Kicks arse. WEll done and congratulations!! Enjoy your fabulous kitchen!!!

Kristen @ Pursuing Vintage said...

It is beautiful! All the details are perfection.
Can you give my kitchen a makeover??!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

I love your effortless use of color and pattern. The wallpaper with that rug is crazy and perfect. Awesome kitchen space. I bet this is where the party happens.

Unknown said...

Holy shiz, Emily--this is awesome. I don't think there's any other way to put it. I am in love with the feel of this room--damn good job. PS--GoVsGo!!!

Verandah House said...

You should be so proud of this room, Im getting on a plane now to have a cup of coffee with you right in this space, I should be there in 36 hours! Im lusting over the boards in the baskets, the flowers, napkins, banquette seating you name I love it all x

Mallory said...

I am obsessed! You killed this in every.single.way. You have a way with color and pattern like no other and this was surely not an exception! And stop it with your monograms. Love it all :)

Carol@6WilsonBlog.com said...

This is so beautiful! It doesn't matter about the tablecloth! It is gorgeous without it. I love how authentic this space feels. It's really special and I hope you are happy with it because you should be!

linda said...

Wow! This is so exactly my taste. Love it! Congrats.
- Linda, ny

Jill Sorensen-LiveLikeYou said...

What a fun happy room!

Reichel Broussard said...

What a happy color scheme! It all comes together so perfectly you too! Love it!

ROK said...

Love it, and super impressed by the amount of reno! And your husband. Started following you on bloglovin'--nice to see someone in the neighborhood (well, we go to the same Ikea).

The Pink Pagoda said...

Emily!!! It's sooooooo crazy perfect. First, THAT GREEN. Just gorgeous. The wallpaper plus your mirror that I covet plus the mix of fabrics is beyond AMAZING!! You're so talented. Fantastic job!

Shannon said...

Amazing! I'm so glad we got to do this challenge, and that I got to follow along every week! I love the rug- hands down my favorite!

Abby M. Interiors said...

This is might be my absolute favorite room from the challenge. Truth. It's a true reflection of you and your style and pure awesomeness, and that's how every home should be! This is so interesting and stylish and well done. Bravo! Cheers to you! xx

Tricia said...

I'm in love with your kitchen! I knew it was going to be fabulous but this is so beyond my concept of fabulous - simply stunning! So perfectly done!
Tricia // Suburban Bitches

therelishedroost said...


kate@willowinteriors said...

Holy cow Batman!!!! OK, I'm late to the party b/c I just barely scraped into the link up yesterday w/my room, but I've been dying to come check out your fabulous kitchen!!! WOW! It is absolute perfection. I love the wallpaper, color choices and lighting elements, but it's all of your little details (and mister's) that make this room!!! The art, the blue and white goodness, the fabrics and trims, that tray, the monograms, that mirror, the brass rhinos (!!!!) and blue jellybeans!!! I hope you chugged that whole bottle and moved on to a whole box, b/c u deserve it. Well done!!

Christina said...

Absolute perfection! Your banquette is the perfect inspiration for my tiny nook! And all the artwork with that gorgeous wallpaper...

Unknown said...

Amazing. This is such a high energy and beautiful space! I LOVE what you did using the silver ice bucket and small silver cup instead of crocks to hold spoons and kitchen utensils. Wonderful inspiration. Thank you.