We know the mr. is
averse to wallpaper. In fact, he
adamantly refuses to even let me consider wallpaper as an option in Chez
V. What kind of meany would deny me such design pleasure? His leading argument is that wallpaper is
such a pain to remove. Obviously this is
predicated on the assumption that the paper would be removed, by us, at some
point in time. Now, he has a point. I am famous for being fickle. What I love this morning will most
definitely change this afternoon and probably twice more by bedtime. I
would like to think that if I were investing in such a statement in my home
that I would pick something timeless.
Something that I wouldn’t want to change in a very long time. But history wins out here. I tend to get the itch every few years. So the mr. is right in assuming that it is likely that he will be
removing said wallpaper. So what’s a girl to do when that itch to wallpaper is so
strong it cannot be ignored?
Enter EasyChange Wallpaper by Sherwin Williams. A removable
wallpaper option? Sign me up. Jordan used it in her San Francisco
apartment a few years ago. She did a great follow up on the removal too. And I was
reminded of it again after seeing it used brilliantly by Jane Lilly Warren in her
NYC apartment in the latest issue of Matchbook. That blue bedroom? Swoon. She uses it again in the living room.
Jane's living room |
Jordan's San Fran entry |
Jordan removing the paper |
know I love me some tropical foliage.
Here are a few foliage options in the EasyChange lineup that caught my eye along with some just
plain pretty options.
SW5TB14736 |
SW5TB14791 |
SW9TQ1323 |
SW9TQ1332 |
SW5TB14745 |
SW5TB14714 |
SW-03266804 |
SW-03266809 |
SW-03266819 |
Some more slightly graphic options...
SW-03266826 |
SW-82346941 |
SW-82364053 |
SW-82346964 |
website is absolute shite to use but if you have the patience to click through you can
find a few gems. Just click on the Easy
Change logo here. Seems like a
perfect choice for renters looking to flex their design-minded muscles or for
fickle fivetimeschangemymind flibbertyjibbets who are averse to commitment.
Anyone else used this stuff?
Also, I feel compelled to point out that I am not being asked or paid by Sherwin Williams in any way to offer my opinions I am just a curious consumer who is interested.
kisses, mrs. V
I love the idea, have never used it. I am biting the bullet and wallpapering my powder room next week. I feel it is a small space to make the "firm" commitment. We shall see!! Can't wait to hear reviews! xo
i have considered but i find most of it fucking horrendous looking.
you do it and then show me. i'll decide after a real person does it.
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